Custom clip request
Tom: tight plain white t-shirt (later shirtless), jeans, gym shoes
Colin: tight plain black t-shirt (later shirtless), jeans, gym shoes
Location: Indoor gym
Note: This fight video will be about 20 minutes long and have five fights between Colin and Tom. The fights will mainly focus on punches/kicks to the stomach and face, but other kinds of hits or moves are welcome. Please have the gutpunches aimed more toward the bellybutton area if possible! I especially like seeing dramatic reactions to gutpunches/other hits and knockouts. If possible, please have the camera zoom in on especially powerful punches to the guy’s stomach as well as show his surprised or shocked reaction to the punch as well. Have each guy give manly grunts or groans in pain when taking hard hits. Once a fighter is KO’d, he should end up flat on his back with his eyes closed.
Tom, a popular fitness streamer, is finishing up a workout at the gym with some push-ups. After he's done, he flexes his biceps and gives a wink to the camera and brags about his strength to his online audience. Just then, his brother Colin walks in. He shoves Tom out of frame and then flexes his biceps for the camera with a wink and smile, saying, “Don't listen to this loser. Listen to the guy who's actually strong here.” Tom is always ready for a fight and challenges his brother to a series of five fights to prove who's stronger during his stream. Colin happily accepts and the two ready their fists for their first match.
Fight 1 - Tom Wins
Both Tom and Colin start off fairly matched, equally trading punches with each other. Tom starts taking more control of the fight as it goes on. Eventually, Tom delivers a powerful gutpunch deep into Colin's stomach (show his shocked expression) that knocks the wind out of him. Colin collapses to his knees, clutching his stomach and trying to catch his breath. Tom reaches down to grab Colin by the chin so Colin is looking up at him. “Looks like it's lights out for you, bro!” Tom says, before delivering a powerful uppercut that knocks Colin flat on his back, KO'd. Tom flexes his biceps to show off to the camera and says, “Don't worry, guys. There's plenty more where that comes from.” The camera then zooms in on and slowly pans across the KO'd Colin for several seconds before slowly fading to black.
Fight 2 - Colin Wins
As the camera fades back in, Colin slowly wakes and gets to his feet, while Tom smirks at him and says, “Finally back with us, huh?” Colin shakes himself awake and says, “Yeah, and now it's time to kick your ass, bro!” They ready their fists and begin their next fight. Tom starts off strong at first, but Colin eventually recovers and gradually takes more control as the fight goes on. Eventually after breaking free from a grapple with Tom, Colin kicks Tom hard in the stomach, slamming him hard up against the wall behind him. Before Tom can recover, Colin pins Tom against the wall with a hand on his chest. He delivers a powerful uppercut to Tom's jaw stunning him, and then follows up with a powerful gutpunch, knocking the wind out of him (show close up of this punch plus Tom's reaction afterward). With Tom weakened and disoriented, Colin pulls him away from the wall and into the center of the gym again. Tom attempts to stay upright while he's extremely disoriented for the next several seconds. Seeing that his brother has no more fight in him, Colin delivers a powerful kick to Tom's chest, that knocks him flat on his back, KO’d. Colin flexes his biceps for the camera and says, “Pay attention to the real winner in this family.” The camera then zooms in on and slowly pans across the KO'd Tom for several seconds before slowly fading to black.
Fight 3 - Colin Wins
The camera fades back in, and Tom wakes and slowly gets to his feet. Colin taunts him saying, “I can't believe you fell during your stream, man. Thankfully i kept them entertained.” Tom gives his brother a playful shove and says, “You got lucky, bro!” Tom looks at the camera and says, “How about we make things more interesting now, though?” He removes his shirt and tosses it away off camera. He then flexes his biceps and smiles for the camera. Colin removes his shirt and does the same. They ready their fists and begin their third fight. They seem equally matched at first, but Colin slowly gains control as the fight goes on. Eventually Tom throws a punch toward Colin's stomach, but Colin blocks it. He counters with a knee strike to Tom's stomach (show a close-up followed by Tom's reaction). As Tom tries to recover his breath, Colin delivers a powerful uppercut that staggers Tom back a few steps and leaves him briefly dazed. Tom manages to shake himself alert again. He throws another powerful punch toward Colin's jaw, but Colin manages to block his punch again. Colin counters with another powerful uppercut. This time Tom is left stunned on his feet for several seconds (show a close-up of him as he struggles to stay upright), before he slowly rolls his eyes and collapses flat on his back. Colin stands over his brother and says to the camera, “He's down again, but is he KO'd? Let's find out!” Colin raises a knee up as high as he can before bringing his foot down in a powerful stomp on Tom's stomach (show close up). Tom lurches upward from the impact, gruntung and grimacing in pain and clutching at Colin's foot until he slowly starts falling from the pain and collapses flat on his back again with a moan. Colin flexes his biceps and winks at the camera saying, “Another victory for the stronger brother here, everyone!” The camera then zooms in and slowly pans over the KO'd Tom for several seconds before fading to black.
Fight 4 - Tom Wins
The camera fades back in, and Tom wakes up irritated at another loss and gets to his feet. Colin taunts him saying, “Come on, bro! You're making this way too easy on me!” Tom says, “Don't worry. I'll shut you up this time.” The ready their fists and begin the next fight. Colin seems to have control of the fight at first, but Tom starts taking more and more control as the fight goes on. Tom manages to grab his brother in a chokehold from behind. Colin struggles against him at first, but Tom just increases the pressure. Colin slowly begins to roll his eyes and fall while Tom proudly flexes one of his biceps while continuing the chokehold with his other arm and smiles for the camera. Just as Colin seems to be KO'd, Tom says, “Nah, this was too easy. We're not done yet.” He taps Colin awake and shoves him up against the wall behind him. Before Colin can react, Tom begins rapid punching Colin's face like a speedbag for several seconds. Afterward, Colin is left dazed and groggy on his feet for several seconds until Tom delivers a powerful punch deep into Colin's gut (show closeup followed by Colin's reaction). Colin staggers forward a few steps, clutching his stomach before collapsing facedown with a moan. Tom smirks at the camera and says, “Make sure to watch this, guys!” He rolls Colin over onto his back, and then drops to straddle Colin's waist. Tom then pummels Colin's stomach with powerful punches, each causing Colin to grunt and jolt from the impact, weakening over time until he's KO'd and no longer reacts. After making sure Colin is KO'd, Tom gets to his feet and proudly flexes his biceps and winks at the camera saying, “Did you see that? That's what being the best looks like.” The camera then zooms in and slowly pans over the KO'd Colin for several seconds before fading to black.
Final Fight - Colin Wins
The camera fades back in as Colin groggily gets to his feet. Tom taunts him saying, “Finally, bro! My viewers are ready to see me beat you again.” Colin shakes himself awake and says, “I hope you've got a good excuse ready for your fans after i knock you out on stream.” The two ready their fists and begin their final fight. Tom easily takes control at first against Colin, who is still sore from his previous loss. Colin is left dazed and nearly KO'd at one point, but he manages to endure and match Tom in strength. Eventually, Colin delivers a powerful punch to Tom's stomach, causing him to grunt and clutch his stomach in pain. Colin then delivers an uppercut that briefly stuns Tom. Tom shakes himself awake again and throws a punch that Colin blocks. Colin then counters with another powerful gutpunch, leaving Tom stunned and surprised again before Colin delivers another uppercut that leaves Tom stunned and dazed again. For the next 45 seconds, Colin steadily continues this gutpunch/uppercut combo on Tom, who grows weaker and groggier with each hit. During the last several combos, Tom starts to falling and needs to be tapped awake and briefly held upright after each uppercut. After the last uppercut, Tom rolls his eyes and Colin lets him collapse flat on his back. Colin kneels beside Tom and taps him awake before pulling him into a sitting position, holding him steady with a hand on his back. “Ready to admit I'm stronger, bro?” Colin asks? Tom groans and says, “No way, man! I'm still the best.” Colin delivers a powerful punch deep into Tom's stomach (show close-up, followed by Tom's reaction wincing in pain). Still looking pained afterward, Tom says, “Is that all you've got, bro?” Colin delivers another powerful gutpunch (show close-up, followed by Tom looking more dazed). Colin says, “Admit I'm stronger.” Tom weakly says, “Prove it!” Colin delivers another powerful punch deep into Tom's stomach and keeps it pressed in (show close up of this, followed by Tom's reaction looking shocked). Tom groans afyerward and says, “Okay… you're right… you're stronger…” Tom briefly rolls his eyes and then Colin lets go of him, letting him collapse flat on his back again. Colin then straddles Tom's waist and cracks his knuckles before saying, “I'm glad we agree, bro. Now let's show your fans something they won't want to miss!” Colin delivers several slow, powerful punches deep into Tom's stomach, each causing him to grunt and jolt from the impact, weakening over time until he barely reacts. Colin readies one final punch, saying, “Say goodnight to your fans, Tom.” He delivers the punch deep into Tom's stomach, causing Tom to give one last big groan and jolt from the impact and then finally go weak, KO'd. Satisfied, Colin gets to his feet and flexes his biceps, giving a big smile and wink to the camera. He tells the audience, “Don't be a loser like my brother. Follow me on streams if you want to see real strength.” He turns to leave, and the camera then zooms in and slowly pans over the KO'd Tom for several seconds (longer than the others) before finally fading to black. END
Language: Russian with English subtitles
5 fights for the winner. Tom vs Colin
- Brand: Tom
- Product Length: 22 minutes
- Availability: In Stock
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