female fighting stories

  • Tiffany is being held captive by a backbreaker

Custom clip request 

Context : The video take place a long time after the video : https://heels4kicks.com/index. php?route=product/product& product_id=1447

Both Catgirl (Tiffany) and Nightgirl (Naomi) have been captured by the gang in an underground place. Today is another day in which the stronger guy of the gang will beat up Catgirl (Tiffany) in front of a camera. Indeed, the camera is part of the video here and Rob wants to make a show to his friends and will interact sometimes with the camera.

The video : the video begins with Tiffany tied up and hanging and her feet shall not touch the ground. We see Rob punching her very quickly in the belly and the ribs. He says to the camera (in the same time of punching Tiffany) : « You know guys, Catgirl is my favorite toy. She is so flexible and does not break fast ». After saying that and 20-30 seconds of punching. Rob releases Tiffany and destroy Catgirl as the different scenes.

Scene 1 : Rob will make the same scene and bend Catgirl at the maximum and say : « ready for another session for my friend? » Catgirl will answer « When my team will find me, I will break your neck »

Scene 2 : After he Scene 1, Rob will take Tiffany’s body and make the same move but Rob has to put Tiffany’s body against the goalpost, Rob will go behind the goalpost and bend Tiffany’s body against the goalpost. It is the same move as the Scene 2 but the goalpost between Tiffany’s and Rob’s bodies.
During the move, Rob will say to the camera « look at this move my friend, I can feel her spine breaking against the metal, so enjoying »

Scene 3 : after this scene, Rob will hold Catgirl as the photo until she is totally KOed as the photo and her feet shall not touche the ground. So Rob holds Tiffany as the Scene 3 but with her feet that shall not touch the ground exactly as the photo « Scene 3 - Feet »

Rob will say after :  « oops sorry, that was short, I think I know how to wake her up »

Scene 4 : Then, Rob will take Tiffany’s body and drop her on his knee as the Scene 4 with her body totally bended. Immediately after Rob Tiffany’s back on his knee, he remove Tiffany’s body from his knee but Rob shall not move his knee. He only push Tiffany’s body away of his knee. He will do this Scene 4 a second time and after he removes Tiffany’s body, Catgirl will bend herself of pain on the ground as the scene « Scene 4 - Reaction »

Then, Rob will make exactly the same move as the « Scene 4 - Final » with him stretching Catgirl’s body a short time as this scene.

Rob will say after this scene :  « So Catgirl? Awake? Look at the camera ! They are all there for you !  I will help you to show your face »

Scene 5 : then, Rob will make the same move as the « Scene 5 » and say « Come on Catgirl ! Say hello to the camera before I break your spine ! ». Catgirl answer « Go to hell ! »

Then, Rob take Catgirl’s head between his hands, press a little and say «  Really? You remember the goalpost? ».

Scene 6 : then Rob will make the same scene as the photo « Scene 6 » but alone. He will just put Tiffany’s body in the same position and take one of her hand and one of her feet and bend her against the goalpost.

Scene 7 : After the previous move, Rob put Catgirl on her feet by lifting her by her throat and tell her « Do you want a hug now? » and then he makes exactly the same move as the scene « Scene 7 ». Tiffany will become a little dizzy during this move with her arms dangling

Scene 8 : then, Rob takes dizzy Catgirl’s body and will make the same move as the « Scene 8 ». Rob will say « Guys, I show Catgirl’s body totally stretched ! Take picture ! »

Then, Rob drop Catgirl’s body to the ground and say to the camera : « Take note now guys, you will enjoy that final »

Scene 9 : Rob will take Catgirl’s body and make exactly the same move as the « Scene 9 » and will try to show a lot of ferocity. Then, Rob drop Tiffany’s body on the ground and she will have the same reaction as the « Scene 4- Reaction » by touching her ribs this time.

Rob will become angry say to Catgirl  « Still alive? But how? I have lost my bet by breaking you within 9 moves »

Rob will then take Tiffany’s head and press it between his hands (but from behind this time) and lift her by this way. Rob will say « At least, I can see your breaking closer »

Scene 10 : Rob will take Catgirl’s body, put his foot on a chair and bend Catgirl as the « Scene 10 » and after 10-15 seconds, Catgirl is knocked out over Rob’s knee.

Final scene : After that, Rob takes lifts Tiffany’s body by her neck from behind her and show her body to the camera with one hand.
(If it is too difficult for Rob to lift Tiffany’s body by one hand on Tiffany’s neck, He can lift Tiffany’s body from behind by putting his both hands on Tiffany’s hip).
Rob will say as a conclusion to the camera « it is for you guys, next week, I will bring a friend ».

Then the video ends here.

Tiffany will show the impression she is in deep pain in her face but she will moan only and not scream a lot. Tiffany is supposed to be a trained girl so she has to show she is resisting to the pain. She will be always angry, full of energy and try to resist.

Language: Russian with English subtitles

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Tiffany is being held captive by a backbreaker

  • Brand: TIFFANY
  • Product Length: 12 minutes
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $11.99

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