female fighting stories

  • Agent Naomi vs stomach punching Cyborg

Custom clip request

Outline: Agent Naomi is a young but experienced spy sent to rescue Tiffany from the mafia that has taken her prisoner. Unfortunately, the mafia is waiting for her and she is made prisoner, too. They use her to test a new formula designed to neutralize muscular resistance, and they try a new Cyborg configured to neutralize his victims through medium power stomach punches. The victims can thus be interrogated for a longer period of time. Naomi is well trained and she is very proud, so she withstands the stomach punishment as much as she can, and her body resistance is overpowered only at the very end.

Clothing: Naomi can be dressed in long jeans or leather pants, sports bra and a leather (or denim) black jacket (like Tiffany in my last custom). She will eventually lose her jacket. Her hair is loose. Rob can be dressed as he pleases.

Naomi’s acting: Naomi’s reactions are the most important part of the video. She doesn't moan, whimper or cry. She winces, she groans and gasps, always trying to contain the pain as if she was trying to prevent her reactions from showing. It would be great if she can take a bit of Tiffany’s acting. When her body starts to be overwhelmed, grunts and groans escape from her, air accumulates in her cheeks and she puffs it out, but she is never too loud and she never exaggerates. In the final scenes punches cut her breath and she can only wince and sigh. Details for different reactions are in the scenes.

Rob’s acting: As Rob usually, he is very good. He is always silent, making no noises. He moves with precision, but like an upgraded human, not like a clumsy robot. All or most of his punches go to Naomi’s upper stomach: between her navel and the arch formed by her ribs.

Camera: The camera is moving, always close (around 1 meter) away from the action, making regular close-ups of Naomi’s stomach and face, and changing positions. I make more suggestions for each scene.

Sounds: Dialogues in Russian, with English subtitles (but this is not necessary). Please no music. And please keep the sound effects not too exaggerated.

Part 1 (about 3 minutes)

The camera fades in Naomi carefully walking down a hallway or stairway, with her jacket open revealing her stomach, a hands-free device on one ear, and her shooter ready. Rob-Cyborg appears, blocking Naomi’s way. Naomi points her weapon to the Cyborg, but the Cyborg moves fast, grabbing Naomi’s weapon with one hand and sinking a fist into Naomi’s stomach. Naomi is stunned by the unexpected power of the punch, doubling forward, blowing air out of her system -ooofff!- and letting her weapon fall. She pulls herself together and attacks the Cyborg, but the Cyborg blocks all of her moves, managing to counter them every time with a punch to Naomi’s stomach. Naomi doesn’t give up. She recovers and attacks again, only to end punched in the stomach one more time.

After a minute or so of such failed attacks Naomi is exhausted and winded. The Cyborg profits of the situation to pin Naomi against the wall, securing her hands above her head and starting to punch Naomi’s stomach with unhuman strong and precise uppercuts, 4-5 seconds between punches. Naomi is unable to defend herself anymore. The strong uppercuts freeze her breathing, only allowing short contained groans followed by sighing the contained air out. She tries hard not to show she is in trouble. But the punches gradually make her breathe all of her oxygen out. Naomi becomes dizzy, then groggy, then she slides down to the floor, close to fainting.

But the Cyborg shows no mercy, making Naomi to sit on the floor with her back against the wall, pinning her hands above her head, placing a fist against the pit of Naomi’s stomach (above her navel and below her ribcage) and starting to push in, “pumping” punches into her midsection. Naomi convulses, eyes shut, only short sighs coming from her mouth, until she becomes unable to breathe in at all.

After a minute of “pumping” punches, the Cyborg lets Naomi go. She lies on the floor on her side, grabbing her stomach, eyes closed and mouth wide open, trying to regain her breath. Camera fades out in Naomi’s winded face.

During all of this scene it is important that the camera remains about 1 meter away from Naomi, making frequent changes of position and close-ups of Naomi’s face, the stomach punches and her body wrapping around the punches.

Part 2 (about 3 minutes)

The camera fades in Naomi standing against a wall, with her back flat against the wall and her arms extended to her sides, as if she was crucified. It is important that her back is flat against a wall and not hanging in the middle of a room, and her arms are extended to her sides and secured, like Tiffany in my last custom. Her ear pods are gone. Her jacket is still on.

She is barely standing by the power of her will. The Cyborg is punching her stomach with no mercy, aiming at her upper stomach (between her navel and the arch formed by her ribs). The Cyborg strikes, then waits for Naomi’s reactions to fully develop until he strikes again. Naomi groans weakly at each punch, then she slumps forward as much as the restraining will allow her. Then she hangs for a couple of seconds regaining her breath, until the Cyborg straightens her up and strikes again.

After a while the Cyborg stops. Naomi shows difficulty to stay awake and to speak, but she is still defiant. “Tired? Stupid machine”. The Cyborg shows no emotion. He moves closer to Naomi and starts a full minute of uppercuts attack on Naomi’s stomach, one every 2-3 seconds, holding Naomi´s back with one hand and firing his uppercuts with the other, for maximum strength. Naomi’s head rests on the Cyborg shoulder, trying to stay standing.

After yet another while the Cyborg stops, somehow surprised at Naomi’s resilience. He grabs her by the hair, making her to fully straighten up. Naomi manages to say “Artificial… idiot…”. Then the Cyborg seems to pay specific attention to Naomi’s midriff breathing in and out, he prepares his fist, and then he starts to punch Naomi’s upper stomach, just millimetres below her ribcage, not violently but with great precision and rhythm, about 1 per second.

Naomi’s breathing gets progressively compromised by the continuity of the punches, until she loses strength and her head slumps over, looking down, eyes closed and mouth open, drool coming from her mouth (please no spitting). Her groans become weaker, until her body just shakes at the punches. The camera fades out on Naomi’s barely conscious face, instinctively shaking at the non-ending punches.

Throughout this scene the camera changes positions following this pattern, if possible:

Naomi being punched, seen from above, camera about 1 meter above her head.

First plan of Naomi being punched, from the front (as if it was the Cyborg’s eyes).

First plan of Naomi’s stomach being punched, camera placed about 1 meter to the side.

First plan of Naomi’s stomach being punched.

First plan of Naomi’s face reacting to the punches.

Naomi being punched, seen from below, camera at about her knees’ height.

Part 3 (about 3 minutes)

The camera fades in the sounds of Naomi’s weak groaning. The camera is coming from somewhere else, then enters a room where Naomi is sitting on a couch, her hands spread along the top of the couch and tied somewhere behind the couch, like Tiffany in my last custom. Her jacket is gone.

The Cyborg is hitting her in the stomach, with only 3-4 seconds of separation between punches. Naomi looks exhausted, absorbing the punches the best she can, doubling forward as much as the ropes will allow, hair falling to her front, then slumping back on the couch. Reactions: she faintly groans after each punch, then softly lets her air escape out of her body. With each punch a wave of oxygen comes out of her system, causing her cheeks to fill up and her mouth to blow it out making an “oofffhh” sound. From time to time, a short cough comes after the “oofffhh”.

The camera follows this pattern, if possible:

Full scene, taken from Naomi's front, no more than 1 meter away from her.

Close plan of Naomi's stomach, seen from her side.

First plan of Naomi's face.

Full scene, taken from the back of the chair, no more than 1 meter away from her head.

After a full minute the Cyborg makes a pause and straightens Naomi up to see her face. Naomi is groggy, but still manages to be defiant, and to say “Stupid… machine… Are you… tired?”. A voice in off says “Cyborg, administer product number 1”. The Cyborg injects Naomi with a syringe. The voice in off continues “Intruder, this product is under test. It neutralizes your capacity to flex muscles. Thank you for your cooperation”. Naomi manages to say “Fuck you, assholes”. Then the Cyborg makes Naomi to lean against the back of the chair, her face looking up, her body position stretching her stomach open. Then she starts to viciously drive punches into the pit of Naomi’s stomach, right in the hollow point under the top of her ribcage. The punches devastate what was left of Naomi’s abdominal defences. After a while she becomes breathless, only instinctive sounds coming out of her body. At every punch she can only wince and open her mouth to an “oh”, her head thrown back, eyes glassy and lost on the ceiling. Very gradually her responses become less and less significant, more and more instinctive, her eyes slowly shutting down until she is out. The process is slow, relying a lot on Naomi’s acting.

The camera follows the same pattern of the first part.

At the end of the scene, the camera fades out in Naomi’s face, drool falling from the side of her mouth.

Part 4 (about 3 minutes)

The camera fades again in the sounds of Naomi’s weak groaning. Naomi is lying down flat on a mat, or on the floor, like Tiffany in my last custom. The Cyborg is kneeling by her side, holding Naomi’s arms above her head, and punching her stomach with the other. Naomi seems to be barely conscious, and unable to physically resist. The punches seem to encounter no resistance, digging way in her stomach. Every punch produces in Naomi a short “oh”, “ugh” reaction and then a soft sighing (air coming out of her system). She is only awake by the power of her will.

The camera takes this part of the scene toggling from different angles, always close to Naomi:

From Naomi’s feet towards her torso.

Close-up of her stomach being punched.

Close-ups of her winded face.

From above the scene, picturing her body getting punched.

From behind Naomi’s head towards the rest of her torso.

Final close-ups of her face drooling.

After a good minute the voice in off says “Cyborg, stop”. Cyborg lets Naomi go, and she slowly rolls on her side, covering her stomach with both arms, in contained pain. The voice in off comes back to say “Cyborg, administer product number 2”. The Cyborg injects Naomi with a syringe. The voice in off continues “Intruder, this product is under test. It keeps you awake during punishment, for efficient time use. Thank you for your cooperation”. Naomi is barely able to defend herself. “I will… eliminate you… all…”. “Cyborg, punch her in her upper stomach until she is out. We will measure her resistance”.

The Cyborg positions Naomi flat on the floor or mat again, pinning her hands above her head, and resumes the punching in her upper stomach, aiming with lethal precision right below the arch formed by her ribcage, at a perfect timing, one punch every 1-2 seconds. Naomi slowly loses control of her body, her head thrown back, her reactions showing she is getting weaker and weaker with each punch. The punches encounter no abdominal resistance, digging their way. But she is still awake, producing weak groans and sighs. Her eyes close but she is still awake, only instinctive sounds coming off her, and a line of drool dripping off her mouth (no spitting). The punching still continues a little more, until she is out. The camera fades off with a few seconds takes of her defeated body.

The camera takes this part of the scene toggling from different angles again, always close to Naomi (no more than 1 meter away):

Close-up of her stomach being punched.

Close-ups of her winded face.

From above the scene, picturing her body getting punched.

From behind Naomi’s head towards the rest of her torso.

It will be great if this last scene is long and gradual, Naomi producing soft groans and sighs until the very end, never being completely silent.

Language: Russian with English subtitles

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Agent Naomi vs stomach punching Cyborg

  • Brand: NAOMI
  • Product Length: 14 minutes
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $13.99

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