female fighting stories

  • Tiffany and her dojo servants. Part II

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actress: tiffany

actors: the same three guys as part 1 + tom (from scene 2)

outfit for the three guys: white karate pants, bare chest, for tom white pants and kimono, black belt, then for scene 3 just the white karate pants and bare chest

tiffany outfit: (scene 1): black miniskirt set, bare leg, black pump (same outfit as in the clip "tiffany points out the school bully to is place")

scene 2: red kimono the top only, black belt, bare leg, then black bikini

scene 3: black dress, bare leg, black pump (same outfit as in the clip "halloween magic can take you to tiffany")

hairstyle and makeup: tiffany's choice

special feature: the three guys for the whole clip, then tom from scene 3 will be marked with the name tiffany on the chest, and tiffany wears a chain on her right ankle with 3 small keys, then a fourth from scene 3

locations: the large room with the large yellow sofa, and the tatami.

scene1(4a6 minutes)

tiffany is comfortably installed on the sofa with her legs crossed, she is reading a magazine, then she takes a bell and makes it tinted, one of the servants arrives after several seconds, tiffany looks at him with a terrible look, and gives him a formidable slap

tiffany: "when I ring, we arrive immediately"

and she gives him another slap

the servant: "forgive me my queen"

tiffany: "rest foot"

immediately the servant gets into position and tiffany stretches her feet on her back, then tiffany rings again with the bell, there the second servant arrives immediately and kneels in front of her

tiffany: "it's better, my feet hurt, gently take off my pumps, and give me a good foot massage"

immediately the servant complies, and he receives a kick in the face

tiffany: "gently I said"

the servant: "forgive me my queen"

then he starts massaging her feet, tiffany rings the bell, and the third servant immediately arrives and kneels next to her

tiffany: "my drink right away"

the servant rushes and comes back with the drink, kneeling next to her, tiffany holds out her hand and the servant gives her the drink, she quenches her thirst, then hands it to the servant who takes it back, tiffany resumes her reading, the servant who massages her feet speaks

the servant: "my queen, permission to speak?"

tiffany: "yes, but I hope for you that it's important"

the servant: "yes, my queen, here it is, tom a former sensei of the dojo is back in town, after 6 months of absence for a tour abroad, we asked him to come to the dojo, because we know that you are looking for new servants, of course we didn't tell him anything about you"

tiffany: "but it's excellent news, and a very good initiative, my dear servant, it deserves a reward, kiss my feet"

the servant: "oh! thank you my queen"

and he kisses her feet with devotion

tiffany: "well, you have to receive him as it should be, so I'm going to go change, put my pumps back on me and gently"

the servant delicately gives her the pumps, tiffany gets up and sits on her servant's shoulders

tiffany: "stand up and gently "pony"

the servant gets up carefully

Tiffany: "pony, head to the bedroom and gently, you two followed on all fours"

she said to her two other servants, and she left the room.

end of scene 1

scene 2 (16a18minutes)

tiffany is back in the great hall, she is sitting on the back of one of her servants that she uses as a pony, the other two servants follow on all fours each on one side, tom who has arrived and is standing on the tatami doing stretches, can't believe his eyes

tom: "but I'm dreaming, it's a joke, guys, she's not very funny"

tiffany makes one of her servants kneel down, and shows tom the "tiffany" marking on his chest.

tiffany: "And that's a joke!The only men allowed in my dojo are my servants, so on your knees! and say that you are my servant"

tom bursts out laughing

tom: "then that's not going to happen anytime soon, I'm going to make you pay for this infamy, and kick your ass, as for you guys, it's a shame to let you be treated this way"

tiffany bursts out laughing in turn

tiffany: "they know very well that I'm much too strong for them...and for you, isn't that right my dear servants"

the 3 servants: "oh! yes my queen, you're so strong! tom, you'd better submit"

tom: "certainly not, I'm going to make her pay for the way she treats men"

tiffany gets up and heads towards the tatami, tom attacks immediately, but tiffany blocks his attack and counterattacks with a knee to the stomach, followed by a knee to the face, from there, I leave the combat part to you, as well as the dialogues to your imagination (because each time, it is really very well done on your part)

I want as usual a good balance between kicks and punches, kicks to the face and stomach, windshield wiper kick, scorpion kick, headbutt to the face, knees to the face and stomach, punches: direct to the face and stomach, hook, uppercut (I love it), scissor hold, throat splits, speedbag etc...

after about 2 minutes of combat, tiffany gets her servants involved

tiffany: "come on help your friend, he really needs it"

of course each time they are on the ground, tiffany steps on them, or puts a foot on their bodies.during the fight (about 8 minutes) tiffany takes off her kimono (I'll let you choose how she does it) and she ends up in a black bikini, and the fight resumes.then the four guys end up in a pile on top of each other, tiffany puts one foot on top of the pile and does the victory pose

tiffany: "the real place of men"

then she climbs on top of the pile, and stands, hands on hips with a haughty pose (i think it must be possible for tiffany to do that, without taking any risks of course)

tiffany: "my throne of servants"

then she comes down gracefully, stretches them out with her foot on their backs, and walks on them (a back and forth)

tiffany: "my three servants on all fours, next to each other, and you don't move"

then she heads towards tom, who is still on the ground, lying on his back, she takes him by the throat, makes him stand up, and begins to inflict a real avalanche of blows on him (punches, kicks etc ... and finishes him with an uppercut) tom falls to the ground on the back,tiffany puts a foot on him

tom:"please stop hitting"

tiffany:"so terror, are you giving up?"

tom:"yes, I give up, you are the strongest"

tiffany has a big smile of triumph, and does the victory pose, then she goes back to these 3 servants, who have not moved from their position, and she lies down on their backs, keeping her bust raised

tiffany looks at tom

tiffany:"on your knees and quickly"

tom kneels down

tiffany:"now, beg me to be my servant"

tom:"please, take me as your servant, I will do everything you want, I will be faithful and devoted to you"

tiffany:"very well, you will be marked with my name on your chest, like my other servants, and do you see this chain on my ankle with these three little keys?"

tom: "yes, my queen"

tiffany: "it's the key to their chastity belt, and so I'm going to add a fourth one"

tom: "yes, my queen, whatever you want"

tiffany has a big smile of triumph

tiffany: "that's good, now kiss my feet"

tom kisses the feet with devotion, then the camera focuses on tiffany's smiling face

tiffany: "and one more servant in my flock, who will be next?"

end of scene 2

scene 3 (6 to 8 minutes)

tiffany's 3 usual servants, do household chores, one cleans the wall, the other the floor, and the third, the white furniture, then a sound of heels is heard, immediately and as usual, they kneel and bow down, tiffany enters the room holding tom by the ears, she pushes him against the wall, to admire his marking on his chest in the name of "tiffany"

tiffany: "so my dear new servant, are you happy with your marking, and to be my property from now on"

tom: "oh yes, my queen"

tiffany: "good"

then tiffany places her hand on tom's genitals while pressing

tiffany: "and your chastity belt, does it not hurt you too much?"

she said in a sarcastic voice and smiling sadistically

tom: "yes, a little bit"

tiffany: "good, perfect, you'll end up getting used to it, now on your knees, and kiss the key to your chastity belt"

tom kneels and bows down to kiss the key on tiffany's ankle chain, tiffany lets him do it for a few seconds

tiffany: "now on all fours"

tom gets into the requested position and tiffany sits on his back on the side and crosses her legs

tiffany: "on the couch and gently"

arrived at the couch, tiffany settles in comfortably and crosses her legs

tiffany: "go on the tatami, stand up, and don't move"

then she calls one of her servants

tiffany: "you, come here, on all fours, and put your feet down"

the servant arrives, gets into position, and tiffany stretches out her feet above, then she calls her second servant, who arrives on all fours at her feet, tiffany kicks him in the face

tiffany: "gently take off my pumps, and put cream on my feet, and massage them delicately"

she says throwing the tube of cream in his face, immediately the servant complies and begins his work.

then tiffany calls her third servant

tiffany: "you, join tom on the tatami, it's time for entertainment, a small competition in four events, the winner will be rewarded and the loser will be severely beaten, if there is a draw, you will both be beaten, now fight!"

the two servants fight for about 30 seconds, (I'll let you choose the winner)

tiffany: "now on one leg and one arm behind the back"

of course in this position, they look ridiculous, and tiffany smiles and laughs

tiffany: "pathetic and ridiculous"

(here too, I'll let you choose the winner)

tiffany: "third test, you fight on your knees"

here too I'll let you choose the winner, after about thirty seconds of combat.

tiffany: "Now, last test, pony race, get on all fours, on the wall, then you race to the opposite wall, watch out "go"

here too. I let you choose the winner, but it's a draw.

tiffany: "draw, so you will both be beaten"

she says with a big smile, then tiffany kicks her foot massager

tiffany: "give me my pumps back and gently"

then tiffany pushes him away with her foot, as well as her servant puts his foot down, she gets up and goes towards the 2 fighting servants, who are waiting on their knees, tiffany gives them a tremendous series of slaps

tiffany: "stand up!"

there she gives them a whole series of blows: kick in the stomach, knees in the stomach and face, speedbag, hook, straight to the stomach and face, uppercut etc... (for about 1 minute 30), then she finishes them with a terrible straight to the face for one and an uppercut for the other, and they find themselves on the ground on their backs, tiffany walks on them

tiffany: "all four on their knees in front of me and quickly"

the four servants get into position, and tiffany begins to walk in front of them in a sensual and sexy way

tiffany: "am I not magnificent and irresistible, and are you aware of the luck you have to serve me, all men would wish to be in your place"

the four servants: "oh yes, my queen, it is an immense privilege to serve the most dazzling of queens"

tiffany: "brave and good servants, now it is time for me to leave, take advantage of it to finish cleaning, so that it is perfectly clean when I return, and now wish me a good evening"

the four servants: "have a good and excellent evening my queen"

tiffany: "now kiss my feet"

the four servants rushes, and kisses her feet, 2 on the front, the other 2 from behind, tiffany lets them do it for a few seconds, then turns around and leaves the room with an elegant and sensual gait, under the admiring gaze of her four servants, definitely subjugated and enslaved.

then the camera fades, and comes back a few seconds later, with tiffany's return from her evening, she is happy, her four servants are lying on the tatami resting, immediately, they kneel and bow down, tiffany looks at them smiling

tiffany: "greet my return, my dear servants"

immediately the four servants rush in, and kiss her feet

tiffany: "i had a great evening, i hope the household chores were done"

the four servants: "yes my queen"

tiffany: "i'll check later, i'm tired"

Then she stretches out and slightly lifts her foot, immediately one of the servants removes her pump, then she does the same with her other foot.

tiffany: "now, all on all fours, next to each other, you will serve me as a bed and mattress"

tiffany lies down comfortably on her back

tiffany: "there's no denying it, men are really made to serve me in every way possible, now wish me a good night"

the four servants: "have a great night my queen"

tiffany smiles, then closes her eyes.

end of the clip

Language: Russian with English subtitles

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Tiffany and her dojo servants. Part II

  • Brand: TIFFANY
  • Product Length: 34 minutes
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $29.99

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