female fighting stories

  • The robber destroys Tiffany with low blows

Custom clip request 

Clothing for Tiffany:  Tiffany barefoot with eye make-up and red lipstick with loose straight hair (like in the photo I attach you) dressed with the ripped blue jeans we bought together (without belt please) and with the bra which I attach you dressed by herself in the video “ Tiffany teaches Bob how to be a good husband. Part III” (so only the top).  Please ask Tiffany to wear those jeans as LOW-WAISTED as possible.

Clothing for Rob: Exactly the same of the video “Underground fights H4K. Mabel vs Rob”

Story: The video begins with Rob (the robber masked man) surprising Tiffany and kicking her in the groin from behind, making her fall to the ground in pain. During the fight he asks her to give him back the money or he will beat her up, but Tiffany answers that she doesn't have this money, so she will suffer the low blows for the whole video until she will be KOed with eyes crossed and mouth opened.

The fight is mainly focus on continuous low blows from 6 different positions and methods using  kicks, punches, knees:

1) With Tiffany standing: kicks, punches, knees to the groin from front and behind

2) With Tiffany against the wall: knees to the groin from front

3) With Tiffany on her knees (only sometimes in this position, so not often as the other positions): kicks from behind to the groin

4) With Tiffany lying on the ground: kicks to the groin from front (so face up) and kicks to the groin from behind (so on her stomach ) holding and spreading her legs in both positions. For the low blows from behind, please ask the man to hit her with the instep.

5) When Tiffany will try to kick the man, but he holds her leg and gives some kicks to her groin

6) With Rob lifting Tiffany up and making her fall onto his knee on her groin.

There will be also some occasional hits on head and stomach.

I want to see always blows and never holds to the groin please.

Camera: There will be sometimes some close-ups to the girl’s face and groin using different camera angles from front and behind. Then the camera it will be used as you usually do.

Tiffany's reactions: I would like to hear  Screams in pain every time she takes the blows from the man tryng to hold her groin.

so please I don’t like hearing whining.  Especially in the first part of the video, Tiffany also will try to react and fight but without success, instead in the second half of the video, she has become weaker than before, so the man will lifts her off the ground (and so not by herself) to hit her again and we could introduce in Tiffany’s face sometimes eyes crossed and mouth opened (but he must never lose consciousness please).

The man must stay silent while he will hit Tiffany. He will not make fight noises, because I need to hear clearly Tiffany’s screams of pain.

In the last 4 minutes, she will plead for mercy and beg to stop the punishments, (for example: "please stop hitting me between the legs, I repeat you that I don’t have your money") but the masked man angry for not having recovered the money will continue to hit her to the groin until she loses consciousness at the end of the video after the last kick to the groin from behind (with instep) while Tiffany is lying on the ground on her stomach with her head turned towards the camera to see her face with eyes crossed and mouth opened

Language: Russian with English subtitles

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The robber destroys Tiffany with low blows

  • Brand: TIFFANY
  • Product Length: 21 minutes
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $19.99