female fighting stories

  • Tiffany demonstrates her strength

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Tiffany is an extremely cruel super-villain with unattainable strength and speed, in this video she wears a tank top, a mini-skirt and she has no shoes, she also has a little lipstick and mascara and her hair is loose.

The video opens with Rob who is a professional fighter who has been specially trained to fight Tiffany, he is training shirtless when Tiffany enters the room. She lets out a small laugh before saying, "Seriously? You're the man who's supposed to be able to take me out? That's so adorable, I'm going to play with you like a little doll."

Rob gets angry and says to Tiffany brandishing his fist "Shut up, I'm going to crush you with my fist and you'll never hurt anyone again"

Tiffany slowly approaches Rob in a very provocative and threatening way, she stops in front of him (make sure they're as close as possible to accentuate the size difference) she looks at him in a threatening and totally confident way before saying "Oh yeah? Well, let's see it, champ". At this point Rob starts to tremble slightly in fear and Tiffany starts to laugh slightly before saying, arms crossed with the same menacing look, "Well then, are you scared? It's no wonder, you know it yourself that I outshine you by a mile, you pathetic little man" (Do this scene in POV from Rob's point of view if possible). 

Rob tries to punch her in the face but hurts his fist badly and screams in pain, Tiffany starts laughing before taking his injured fist in her hand and saying "Awwww, did you hurt yourself? Let me soothe you", she grabs Rob's arm with her other hand before breaking it completely, Rob screams even more in pain as he holds his injured arm.

He tries to pull away from Tiffany, but she catches him and pins him against a wall with her body against his. Rob is really shaking with fear this time and says in complete terror, "Please, I'll do anything you want" Tiffany pulls away from Rob before saying, "Do you really think I want anything from you? You're so funny, all I want to do is play with you and punish you like the weakling you are". 

Rob is completely desperate and tries again to hit Tiffany in the face with his other fist but she catches it very easily with an annoyed look on her face saying "Seriously? Are you that stupid?".

Rob then tries to get out of her grip for 10 seconds but she holds him firmly and effortlessly before saying in a bored tone "Are you done yet? Good then let's continue what we started if you don't mind", Tiffany clenches Rob's fist in her hand and he screams in pain as he's pushed to his knees, Tiffany approaches him still holding his fist and she strokes his face with her other hand saying "Aww, you're so fragile, I barely pushed you".

She then grabs his shoulder to break his other arm and Rob continues to scream in pain.

Tiffany finally lets go of Rob and she says, "Come on, get up, I'm not done yet" Rob complies and Tiffany moves closer to him again before saying, "Maybe I've been a bit hard on you, how about a little hug to cheer you up?"

Rob doesn't even have time to respond as Tiffany squeezes him in a 20-second bearhug where you can hear his ribs breaking.

Tiffany lets go of him again and Rob collapses to the ground with broken arms and ribs, once on the ground, Tiffany breaks both his legs before going in front of him and lifting his face with her hands, telling him "That was fun and so easy, I don't even know how you could have thought for a second that you had any chance against me".

Rob pleads with her one last time, but Tiffany snaps his neck before walking away.

Language: Russian with English subtitles

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Tiffany demonstrates her strength

  • Brand: TIFFANY
  • Product Length: 9 minutes
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $8.99