female fighting stories

  • Naomi vs crazy scientist

Custon clip request 

Outfit: Can she wear tight black leather pants with black high heeled boots (just like in Naomi Against the Criminal Boss) but for the top, can she wear a tight-fitting white long sleeved shirt/sweater? 


Scene 1: (Naomi wears gym clothes in this scene) 

Naomi is working out (either lifting dumbbells or practicing martial arts or hitting a punching bag). She gets an alert on her phone and looks at it. A mad scientist terrorist is making a broadcast to the world (we see what’s on her phone). He announces that he has perfected an extremely lethal gas. If he is not paid a large sum of money (billions/trillions of dollars) within 48 hours, he will release it into the atmosphere, destroying millions of people. He also says that no one can stop him and that elite soldiers were sent, but they were useless (he should show one or two destroyed men, showing that he easily destroyed the soldier(s)). 

Naomi receives a call from her agency. Her mission is to save the world from this terrorist. We don’t have to hear her boss but she can say “No backup?. I understand” or something like that so we can know what her mission is.

Scene 2: (all guards including the head guard are masked)

The next day, Naomi arrives at the facility. Naomi is now wearing the pictured outfit (hair tied in a ponytail like in “Naomi against Sasha”). She sneaks through the facility and uses a tranquilizer to take out some guards (just 2 or 3). She runs out of ammo and sneaks up on one guard and grabs him into a chokehold. She asks him how to get into the control room. He tries to resist but she tightens her grip. He tells her that only the head guard has clearance to enter and she would need his pass. He says she’ll never succeed since the head guard is the best fighter he’s ever seen. Naomi chokes him out and goes to find the head guard.

Naomi finds the head guard and tells him she’ll need his pass to stop his boss. He refuses and pulls out his blade. Naomi also pulls out her own blade (maybe from a strap on her leg/ankle) and gets into a fighting stance. They have an intense blade duel with lots of dodges and close calls. At one point, Naomi is knocked to the ground and the guard tries to hit her but she barely avoids it. Eventually, Naomi gets the upper hand and eliminates him with her blade. She takes the guard’s security pass off of his body, leaving her blade behind.

Naomi uses the pass to open the door to the control room. The terrorist is there and is amused that they sent a small girl after him instead of paying him and now millions will be destroyed. (He is unmasked and wears a lab coat) Naomi says she’ll stop him and they fight. It starts somewhat even but Naomi proves to be better and begins to dominate, landing more hits. When the terrorist seems to be defeated, he takes a syringe and injects himself with it and takes off his coat. He instantly becomes much faster and stronger. Naomi’s attacks barely have an effect on him and he begins to dominate the fight, eventually knocking Naomi out (her hair is now loose and untied from the fight). He gloats that he’s invincible and nobody can stop him. Naomi slowly gets back to her feet, surprising the villain. He goes back to attack her but she now begins to dodge and block his attacks. She counters with precise pressure point strikes and chops. These moves do have an effect on him and as the fight goes on, Naomi’s punches and kicks hurt him again as well. She gains the upper hand and when Naomi has him at her mercy, she eliminates him with a neck snap. 

Naomi pulls a flash drive from the villain’s pants pocket and brings it to the control panel (this can be a laptop or computer) she types in some keys and says she’s activating the self destruct sequence. She runs out of the base (or just moves quickly and urgently. Not sure if she can run in the heels). She comes outside and crouches and we hear the explosion (we don’t have to see it). Naomi uses her earpiece to tell her agency that she has eliminated the terrorist and destroyed his technology. The world is saved.

Language: Russian with English subtitles

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Naomi vs crazy scientist

  • Brand: NAOMI
  • Product Length: 17 minutes
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $15.99