female fighting stories

  • Spy Ivy vs Lady Renfro

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A spy played by Ivy lounges on a sofa reading a magazine. Outfit black dress pants and underneath- dark brown pantyhose and heels. .

The cell phone rings and she drops the magazine to pick up the call .

“Hello - Yes,  yes - I have the drive which has the vital information on it. I took out the lead but it took a while. He’s in the other room. Set it up to make it look like he took his life. He had a thing for pantyhose. Took a while to get him to confess but he finally caved.

Camera pans to an empty chair where 2 dark brown pantyhose drape or hang from the chair. 

Camera switches back to the Spy. “I sent Lady Renfro on a false trail. She thinks she is going to the location of the mole not realizing I am the mole. I will clean up here and head out soon.”

Spy turns to the door when 3 knocks rang out from the door. "I have to go. Someone is at the door." She put the phone away.

Spy gets up and opens the door to let Renfro in.

Spy surprised “Lady Renfro what are you doing back here? I thought you were heading out for the mole.”

Renfro wears a skirt, blouse and black pantyhose with heels.

Renfro equally surprised “What are you doing here? I thought you were out in the field. Where is Sam?”

Renfro follows the Spy to a small table where they both sit. Spy crosses her legs and dangles one heel nervously exposing a portion of her pantyhose foot. (camera shot of Spy dangling one heel)

Spy “There has been an update. Sam discovered there were 2 moles and one was located at a nightclub so we both went there to take the mole out. There was a shooting and we got separated in the chaos. He said he would meet back here but it’s been a while."

Renfro “ Oh I see”

Spy “What brings you back here”

Renfro “ Sam called and I thought it was an emergency because he would never call me while I’m headed to a target. I tried to call him and he never picked up.”

Spy “ I haven’t  been able to reach him either since we split up at the club.”

Renfro glances over and notices the empty chair away from the sofa with the 2 pantyhose hanging from the chair. Suspicious - she gets up and walks over to the empty chair with the 2 pantyhose and stares at them for a moment then looks back at Spy who is still seated dangling one of her heels.

Renfro “ What’s going on here ? All these pantyhose in the chair.”

Spy stands up and she ties a silk scarf loosely around her own neck, KICKS OFF HER HEELS and walks toward Renfro. (Close camera shot of her kicking her heels off and walking up to Renfroe in pantyhose feet.)

Renfro turns around from the chair to face Spy as Spy walks up to her.

Spy facing Renfro  “Like I said - it was a unique club we had to infiltrate to get to the 2nd mole and my outfit was the best way in.”

Renfro "What you just said makes no sense. What are you talking about?" Renfro turns her back to Spy and turns back again to stare at the empty chair draped with 2 pantyhose. 

Spy  backs up and walks a few feet away from Renfro and points her pantyhose foot to the floor arching it like a ballerina as she pulls her pantyhose up on one leg from her pants.  SPY NEXT REMOVES HER SCARF FROM AROUND HER NECK PREPARING TO USE IT ON RENFRO FROM BEHIND.

Spy slowly stalks/creeps up from behind Renfro with scarf in hands. She expands/snaps the scarf as she slowly comes from behind. (A few close camera shots of  pantyhose feet as she sneaks up from behind) 

Spy  “ Shouldn’t you be on your mission and not here?"

Renfro (unaware she is being approached from behind)  “ I think not - something is amiss here. “ I need to call Sam again and reach out to the main HQ if he doesn’t pick up.”

Renfro pulls out her cell phone and Spy sneaks up from behind and snaps the scarf over Renfro's neck from behind. Renfro gasps for air still on her feet as the scarf is shortened more until Spy can no longer tighten. She pushes from behind with both hands balled into fists from behind Renfro's neck applying pressure yanking her back. Renfro makes gurgled sounds and flails her arms around reaching to break the hold.

Spy releases the scarf hold and karate chops Renfro twice in the neck. SHE PUTS THE SCARF ASIDE

Renfro drops to the floor like a rock -dazed

Spy “You never knew Sam did you? Well I got to know him. He had a thing for pantyhose and I used a few pairs to finish him and do him in for good. “

Spy PUTS A DARK BROWN STOCKING MASK ON HER FACE ON HER FACE as Renfro attempts to slowly crawl away on all fours. After Spy gets her mask on her face she walks up in her pantyhose feet to Renfro who is on the floor dazed and crawling KICKING Renfro VICIOUSLY several times at least 6 times in the midsection or gut with her pantyhose foot from the side knocking her down again to the floor. (*Note kicking to gut or abdomen should be from the side not from behind if that makes sense*)

Spy grabs the scarf again and QUICKLY wraps it around Renfro's neck again from behind. Renfro KICKS AND STRUGGLES AND LOSES HER HEELS WHILE KICKING HER LEGS AROUND TRYING TO BREAK THE HOLD.. 

Spy places her stocking face up close to Renfro as Renfro makes gurgled grunting sounds. Spy says “ Sam was taken out in the other room and you are next.”

Renfro struggles to break grip and moves her arm back and ELBOWS Spy making her to release the grip. Renfro tosses the scarf to the floor SLIGHTLY DAZED FROM THE ELBOW RECEIVED FROM RENFRO.

Renfro gasps for air and slowly gets up.

Renfro “ You are the mole and I’m taking you out.”

Renfro facing Spy does a high kick to Spy connecting to her face knocking her to the floor.

Spy stunned and on all four attempts to get up but is kicked viciously FIVE times in the midsection groin by Renfro which knocks her flat.

Renfro stands Spy up and knees her to the head knocking her flat again. 

With Spy dazed on the floor , Renfro grabs one of the pantyhose from the chair and wraps it tightly around Spy’s neck while flat on her back from behind. Spy kicks and struggles to break the grip and ends up rolling her entire body on the floor to switch positions where she is on top of Renfro and elbows her. The elbow makes Renfro to release the hold also knocking her wind out.

Spy gets up on her feet and reaches down with a karate chop to Renfro's neck stunning her.

She stands Renfro up and punches her in the stomach and does another chop. A high kick to the face and another high kick sends Renfro reeling to the floor dazed.

Renfro is dazed and attempts to slowly crawl away. SPY REMOVES HER DRESS PANTS  now only in pantyhose. She viciously kicks Renfro 4 times in the abdomen area from the side with her pantyhose foot as a dazed Renfro crawls.

Spy stands Renfro up again and knees her in the head and proceeds to stomp her body all over with her pantyhose feet.

She stands Renfro up again who is dazed.

Spy says “Come on do something - I thought you were tough.”

Renfro still dazed, swings at air missing Spy.

Renfro swings again and Spy catches Renfro’s arm, holds it in place and kicks Renfro 3 times in the midsection followed with a high kick to the face which snaps Renfro’s head back sending her to the floor.

Renfro completely dazed attempts one final time to get up and starts by crawling. Spy plants her pantyhose foot 5 more times into the midsection of Renfro knocking her out and back to the floor.

***If there is still run time up to this point YOU CAN MAKE UP WHATEVER FIGHT SCENES you want THAT HAVE KICKING up to the final scene.****

Final Scene :Spy grabs a pair of pantyhose from the chair and drops to the floor to join Renfro. Spy wraps her legs around Renfro from behind, locking her up. Spy shoves the pair of pantyhose on Renfro’s head like a mask and wraps the pantyhose leg ends around Renfro’s neck from behind.

Renfro gasps and kicks her legs wildly while being hold from behind as Spy yanks on the pantyhose ends and shortens them to a tight loop holding the grip tight until Spy goes moveless.

Language: Russian with English subtitles

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Spy Ivy vs Lady Renfro

  • Brand: IVY
  • Product Length: 21 minutes
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $19.99

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