female fighting stories

  • The Fall of Tiffany

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Tiffany walks into a warehouse where Rob is sitting on a chair with his thug Josh at his side.Tiffany wears a school girl skirt with a white long-sleeve blouse covering her arms, fingerless gloves, black stockings and knee-high stiletto boots. Her hair is loose and has intense red lipstick. She has a pearl necklace hanging on the side of her skirt near her belt

“Welcome Tiffany”, Rob says. “I have waited a long time for this”

“So you are the one responsible”, Tiffany says angrily at the man.

“Indeed,” Rob says. “I took care of all the girls from your company. I destroyed them. Beat them until their spirit was broken. All to get your attention. You’ve beaten plenty of tough strong men. Today. You will be destroyed.”

Tiffany is angry and advances putting herself in a fighting stance. Rob just sends his thug to fight. Josh approaches Tiffany and fires a right and a left-hand punch only for Tiffany to block. She kicks him between the legs. The Thug crumples down on his knees. Tiffany confidently crouches in front of him. “You are going to pay for what you did”, she says angrily. She then kicks him in the face half a dozen times without letting her leg down (Like the video Don’t Call Me a Bitch and Lesley Rises). The bad guy falls down. Tiffany lifts him up with her leg under his chin. She than round house kicks him down.

“You know how many men I’ve beaten?” Tiffany asks. On the side of her outfit, there is a necklace with silver or metal pearls. “Each bead represents a bad guy I’ve beaten.”

Tiffany kicks the thug in the face.

“You will pay for that”, Josh says as Tiffany lets him stand up. “For you will suffer the same damage you inflict me.”

Tiffany shrugs “I doubt it”, she says overconfident. She then proceeds to punch him left and right left and right. She finishes her combo with a direct kick to the chest knocking the wind out of him. The bad guy doesn’t go down, but he is hurt. Tiffany fires a kick to the ribs only for the bad guy to catch it. She’s surprised as he fires three punches to her face. She screams in pain as the bad guy connects. Josh then punches her leg twice causing her to scream in pain. He releases her.

Tiffany is weak and grabs her leg in pain but still has fight in her. The bad guy advances firing a punch. Tiffany blocks and counters with a succession of hits to his stomach. The bad guy grunts. Tiffany fires punches to his face. Right punch and left punch. Right punch and left punch. Each time she connects the bad guy takes a step back. She finishes him with a kick to the face. The guy crumples down.

Tiffany turns toward Rob who stands up and cracks his fists putting himself in a fighting stance. “It seems I have to get involved now,” Rob says and he attacks. He is quick and Tiffany blocks getting a little worried but the bad guy fails to connect. He fires a kick which Tiffany grabs. With his leg in her power she smiles and smashes her fist into his thigh three times. The bad guy screams in pain as his leg is disabled. Tiffany releases his leg and starts punching him left and right across the face until his back is against a wall. The bad guy is dizzy but does not go down. Tiffany than punches him in the stomach connecting successive blows. “You will lose,” Rob manages to say. Tiffany is angered by this and fires an uppercut bringing him down to his knees.

Josh has recovered and grabs Tiffany by the back, pinning her arms. “I got her Boss,” Josh says. “Get her.”

Tiffany struggles trying to free herself but she can’t. Rob recuperates and punches Tiffany in the stomach. Tiffany screams in pain. She can’t defend herself as Rob connects left and right left and right left and right across Tiffany’s face. Tiffany screams in pain as Rob does damage. He finally fires an uppercut bringing Tiffany down. Josh releases her and Tiffany hits the floor.

“How does it feel to lose a fight?”, Rob asks.

Tiffany shakes the cobwebs feeling dizzy. The petite girl stands up and stumbles in her heels. She strokes Josh in the face and kicks Rob back. She then punches Josh pushing him back and finishing him with a roundhouse kick.

She than punishes Rob and kicks him in the face and than a kick between the legs. When he is on his knees she kicks him gain in the face bridging him down.

Tiffany looks at her necklace and points at the beads. “I guess I will add two more beads to my necklace.” 

She doesn’t notice that Josh and Rob each have taken a pill. They recover rapidly surprising Tiffany. She strikes them both with punches and they are both unphased. Tiffany rubs her hands. They hurt after punching them. She turns towards Rob and starts punching his face with all her might. Rob takes a step back with each punch until he reaches the wall but he is unhurt. Tiffany punches but Rob moves out of the way and Tiffany punches the brick wall.

Tiffany screams in pain as she grabs her hand in pain. Rob than punches Tiffany in the face four times snapping her head from left to right. The last punch pushes her towards Josh

Josh fires a kick to Tiffany’s face and brings her down as she screams in pain.

Rob pulls out a pair of nun chucks and Tiffany looks at him with fear and she stands up. “What did you say about adding us to your necklace?.” Rob smashes Tiffany with the Nun Chucks in the face. Tiffany screams in pain as she is hit half a dozen times finally bringing her down. The room doesn’t stop spinning. She gets up but she is dazed and stumbling in her heels.

Rob drops the nunchucks on the floors as Josh approaches her but Tiffany can’t do anything. Josh kicks Tiffany in the face six times before bringing her down. “I thought you were a better fighter,” Josh says.

Tiffany is scared now as Rob looks at her. Tiffany starts crawling towards the nunchucks. As she grabs them Rob steps on her hand. Tiffany screams in pain as Rob grinds Tiffany’s hand with his boot. 

Rob grabs Tiffany by her hair and puts her to her feet. Rob starts punching her stomach with left and right punches. Tiffany just grunts in pain as her arms hang limply at her side. Rob then starts hitting her face. Tiffany can’t defend herself. Rob kicks Tiffany in the face and sends her to Josh

Tiffany is dizzy and Josh connects with a roundhouse kick across the face. Tiffany falls down being beaten.

Rob just laughs. “Had enough?”

Tiffany gets to her knees only for Rob to kick her in the face half a dozen times like she kicked Josh earlier. After the eight kick on the face, Tiffany falls on her hands and knees. 

She looks up at her opponents. Josh than put his foot under Tiffany’s chin and lifts her up than pins her against a wall chocking her with his foot on her throat. He than kicks her in the face. Tiffany does not go down. 

Tiffany fires a punch but Rob catches and starts crushing Tiffany’s fist. Tiffany screams as her hand is being crushed. She tries to escape but Rob brings Tiffany to her knees. Rob releases the heroine’s hand and spins kick her in the face.

Josh grabs Tiffany by the hair and stands her up. “How are you doing this?” she asks weakly visibly defeated. Rob punches her stomach than her face than stomach then face again. Tiffany screams as she is being destroyed. Rob pulls up a third pill and shows it to her. “This,” Rob. “This pill has given me the power to destroy you.”

Josh releases her. Tiffany is dazed. Rob punches her across the face sending her toward the Johsh. Josh punches her in the stomach then punches her in the face sending her back to Rob. Rob Roundhouse kicks her back to Josh who receives her with a kick to the face and an uppercut. He punches her sending her back to Rob.

Tiffany manages to put herself on a fight stance but she feels weak. She is wobbly on her heels and dizzy, but she wants to keep on fighting. Tiffany fires a left and right punch to Rob. Her attacks are slow and weak. They are easily blocked by Rob. She tries to punch his chest and stomach but she misses her target badly. “Is this your best?”, he says. He blocks the next attack and delivers a devastating ear clap attack over both of Tiffany’s ears. She screams in pains and is instantly stunned. He delivers an uppercut that leaves her more dazed. He then fires 10 rapid fire punches to her face. Tiffany just grunts as her face takes the punishment just like in the video Lesley rises. He then fires punches left and right punch to the stomach. But Tiffany remains up. The final punch is an uppercut. Tiffany starts to fall but Rob catches her. He lifts her up across his arms. “I told you I would break you,” Rob says. He brings Tiffany down across his knee breaking her back. Tiffany screams in pain as her back is broken completely destroyed. Rob drops Tiffany on the ground. She is in agony. One leg extended with the other bended upward with her knee up. As Rob stands up, the last pill drops to the floor next to Tiffany.

Tiffany grabs it and eats it wincing in pain as she does so.

Rob walks away and turns his back on his defeated opponent with his thug.  “Tiffany has been taken care of.”, Rob says. “The world is ours.”

Rob does not realize that Tiffany has gotten up behind him. He turns around and sees Tiffany. She’s dazed and wants to keep on fighting. “I am going to destroy you now,” she says. She than kicks both of them right between the legs. The men scream in pain as they fall to their knees. “You have a weakness.” Tiffany says and kicks both of them on the face. Josh stands up and tried to attack but Tiffany blocks and counters with punches to the chest and stomach. Josh crumples to his knees unable to breath. Tiffany wraps her leg around Josh neck and grabs her heel trapping him. She than breaks his neck. Josh falls down.

Rob enraged kicks Tiffany between the legs. Tiffany can’t believe she got hit in the crotch with that kick. Rob than attacks punching Tiffany in the face.  Tiffany screams as she is stunned. Rob punches her with all his might on the face. Left and Right Punch. Left and right punch. Left and right punch. Tiffany staggers taking steps back as her head snaps from left to right as he continues to punish her. “You will not win!”, Rob says angrily. After the 10th punch, he kicks her across the face with a roundhouse kick. Tiffany staggers not knowing where she is. The room is spinning.  he punches with an uppercut. 

Tiffany is dazed. Rob kicks Tiffany again between the legs bringing her down on her knees. 

As Tiffany is on her knees Rob Strikes her face with three powerful knee strikes bringing our heroine down flat on her back. One leg is extended while her knee is bent pointing to the sky. “Stay down!” Rob says.

Rob grabs both Tiffany’s legs and opens them. Tiffany screams. “NO! Stop!” Rob stomps on Tiffany’s crotch three times, causing her to scream in pain. 

Tiffany clutches her crotch in pain as Rob grabs one of her legs and turns Tiffany around on her stomach. He than does an ankle lock twisting Tifanny’s ankle using the stiletto of her boot. Tiffany screams in pain as the ankle is twisted. Rob than lifts Tiffany’s leg and brings it back down so her knee smashes against the concrete. Tiffany screams in pain as Rob repeats the punisment three times dismantling Tiffany’s leg.

Rob than performs a figure four leg lock on Tiffany’s battered leg. Tiffany screams as she taps out but Rob continues the hold.

“Please!”, Tiffany begs. “No more. I give up”

Rob stands up and grabs Tiffany’s pearl necklace. He wraps it around his fist. “This necklace holds a bead for every man you have beaten?”\

Rob starts smashing Tiffany’s face with the necklace. “Now I beat you with it!”

Tiffany grunts in pain until She is out. Rob leaves Tiffany on the floor. Her leg extended the second one bent upward with the knee pointing to the sky. Her necklace is now red with her own red liquid. A close up of Tiffany shows red liquid on the side of her mouth.

Language: Russian with English subtitles

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The Fall of Tiffany

  • Brand: TIFFANY
  • Product Length: 22 minutes
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $19.99

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